I have been very busy at work these two last weeks... Lots of stuff that just had to be done... I have had some loong days... So there hasn't been much time or energy left for animation exercises or reading in the evenings lately. Maybe I'll find some time this weekend again. I hope so! :-)
What else is new? Well, I just received my copy of Maya (the autodesk education suite) the other day and installed it. Holy baloney - now THERE's a lot of menus and buttons......!!!! Insaaaane! - Haha, no, I'm not too worried really, I have always been a computer geek, I know my way around computers in general AND I'm not completely new to IK and FK animating since I have been doing some hobbyist animation in 2D for a while using "Anime studio Pro".
If there's anything I'll find hard now when we start learning to use Maya, the tool - I think it will be getting out of 2d and into 3D, understanding how to move around in 3D space in the work area. You know, finding the workflow and the understanding of how to move around... before it becomes a second nature how to handle it.
Do you know any store where you can buy a "3D mindset"? Tell me if you do, I would buy it straight away. :-)
I'm really glad I decided to take the springboard class. I think I need it. :-)
BTW, it was nice to meet the fellow springboard students at the recent, first Q&A:s. Looking forward to get to know everyone a little better.