Monday, March 15, 2010

Books: Mattesi; Force - the key to capturing life through drawing

I am reading this book now, highly recommended by many people who went through animationmentor before me. Between each chapter I sit down and draw, draw, draw. Mattesi's book is very inspiring and the illustrations in it are absolutely beautiful. But I have to admit that I have a hard time understanding the main concept of "force". Lots of arrows and arcs everywhere... 

- Oh well, maybe I'm not just smart enough. :-)

OR then I am going to have a big moment someday soon when I finally get it.

Until then I keep drawing.

Here is a new sketch... (trying to incorporate some 4-point perspective into it)

1 comment:

Ian S said...

I love this book! It's brings in such a different view on drawing, and, like Anamie, it's all about the power and purpose of each line. Good times!