Friday, March 12, 2010

maya springboard is over - now; life drawing and some reading

So, the Maya springboard workshop has come to an end. I learned a lot, met a lot of nice fellow students, got over the worst fears of getting into 3D and I am now really looking forward to march 29th when class 1 of the core program starts. And now I have two weeks time to prepare. What shall I do?

I am definitely going to give some serious time to more life drawing exercises. I found a local course meant for amateurs like me :)    Just around 20 euros but with access to live models. What a deal! Sadly this course doesn't begin until april, so I have to wait for it.  (Jeez...!  I would like to start NOW!)
Meantime I'll sit at my desk or at some local cafe and draw, I will check out some literature and anatomy books and maybe experiment with some different materials. I like to draw, I think I have a little talent for it, but I have never developed any skills, never been to any art school or anything like that. Still have to get those "one thousand bad drawings" out of my system... Now I have my chance to really do something about it! And I think I'm going to have lots of fun diving into it.

Here is an inspiring site I found the other day when I was googling around looking for inspiration. Go and have look yourself at Mark McDonnells blog site at

So I will devote some time to life drawing. Secondly; I will read some books about animation production in general:


Part of my aim with my time at AnimtaionMentor - besides the obvious; to become the best animator I can be - is to learn as much as possible about the animation industry in general and especially about the producing side of the business.
This book I recently aquired from

Winder/Downlatabadi; producing animation.

I have just turned a couple of pages in it and it definitely looks very interesting. Exactly what I need to get a clearer picture of the production systems of the larger animation industry. I come from live action television myself and I am more used to rather small production units, so I need this. :)

link to; producing animation

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